Due to the increase of COVID-19 cases in the US, the Board of Directors have decided to have a “virtual” Annual Meeting on November 7, 2020 commencing at 10am (Eastern), 9am (Central) and 8am (Mountain) time. The Annual Meeting will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing. Further instructions will be provided prior to the meeting. The USTS will need an email address for “invitations” to be sent to current USTS members. If you are interested in joining the USTS Zoom Annual Meeting, please provide your email address to Diane Murray, dmurrayn6@gmail.com.
Unfortunately, the USTS will not be able to have its Annual Banquet at this time to recognize its high point winners or its volunteers. The Board hopes that an “in-person” Spring Meeting can be held and would anticipate that an Annual Banquet could be held at the same time.
Please provide to Pete Nydahl, F1racer71@earthlink.net, any items that you would like to be on the Agenda for the Annual Meeting by October 31, 2020. If you do have items accepted for the agenda, please make sure that you are available to present during the USTS Zoom Annual Meeting.
Thank you for your understanding during these challenging times.
Thank you,
US Title Series Board of Directors